Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Three new Yoursoundscape Binaural softwares for iPhone®

Tamil Nadu Project by Marco Cioffi, American City Ambience by Darwin Chamber and Oltreoceano by EneaHead are the latest three softwares for iPhone® released by A&G Soluzioni Digitali for the Yoursoundscape project. The corresponding SD cards for X-spat player are available on 3Daudioshop.com.

Monday, January 11, 2010

A fantastic technical and artistic meeting

Livorno, Italy, January 7-8 2010. Steve Heimbecker and Luigi Agostini have spent two days at Auditorium Chiti of Istituto Musicale Mascagni testing the resident X-spat boX2 24 speakers system with a lot of soundscape and musical compositions created in the last years by the Canadian composer. From the meeting have originated a lot of new ideas and possibilities that will produce events and artistic creations involving the Heimbecker's Turbulence System and X-spat boX2.

In the picture, from left to right, Simone Cercignani (Senior Software Engineer at A&G), Steve Heimbecker of Qube Assemblage of Art in Motion, Luigi of A&G and Stefano Agostini, the Director of Istituto Musicale Mascagni.

Luigi Agostini

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